5500 Buena Vista
Roeland Park, KS 66205
P.O. Box 1063
Mission, KS 66222

The essence of Heartland RADAC exists in our human spirit...

  • The Spirit & Passion of those that serve, as well as the Spirit & Determination of those who accept our services.

Heartland RADAC is dedicated to raising awareness in our communities, serving those in need and reducing the stigma that is commonly associated with substance use disorders.

Our goal is to deliver a message of hope to those in need.

In this section you will find all that you need to know about our people, mission and history, as well as frequently asked questions.

If you want to learn more about Heartland RADAC, just follow the links for more information. It’s extremely important to us that you get to know more about us, so that you feel comfortable working with us.

You may always give us a call at 913-789-0951 or 1-800-281-0029.