5500 Buena Vista
Roeland Park, KS 66205
P.O. Box 1063
Mission, KS 66222
What You Can Do

Do you or someone you know need assistance with learning how to cope with alcoholism or drug addiction?

Take that first step and learn what you can do to make a change in your life.

Call Heartland RADAC:
913-789-0951 or 1-800-281-0029

Feel free to take one of the following quizzes to see if you think you may have an issue with alcohol or drugs.

*The quizzes on this site are intended to be educational, and they may help increase your awareness of particular experiences or of particular forms of distress. They are not by themselves tools for diagnosing any type of health or mental health condition and should not be considered to provide any type of diagnosis or healthcare recommendation.