5500 Buena Vista
Roeland Park, KS 66205
P.O. Box 1063
Mission, KS 66222
© Heartland Regional Alcohol & Drug Assessment Center


The CAGE questionnaire was developed by Dr. John Ewing, founding director of the Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. CAGE is an internationally used assessment instrument for identifying problems with alcohol. 'CAGE' is an acronym formed from the italicized letters in the questionnaire (cut-annoyed-guilty-eye).
This simple 4-question self-test may help you become aware of your use or abuse of alcohol. This test specifically focuses on alcohol use, and not on the use of other drugs.

1. Have you ever felt you should cut down on your drinking? Yes/No

2. Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking? Yes/No

3. Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking? Yes/No

4. Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover (eye-opener)? Yes/No

*This test is meant to be used as a starting point, not as a diagnosis tool. This score is not intended as a mental disorder diagnosis, or as any type of healthcare recommendation.